W3e Editor HTML Version 2.00e - 01/10/95 -------------------------------------- ©-1995-NCE/UFRJ *** ATENTION *** The version 2.5 is avaiable to the registred users until September 25. The commercial releases will be avaiable soon. Any modification of this politics will be related in http://www.nce.ufrj.br/~w3e.html. Stay tuned! * Windows'95 version will be avaiable as soon as Borland release new version of their compiler. * Beta VRML Editor and Viewer is being tested. -------------------------------------- Features: - MDI - HTML 3.0. - Extern browser config. - Gif Viewer - Map editor Running 1) Copy the file W3e.EXE to a new directory. 3) Copy the files *.D?L to WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 4) Edit the file W3e.INI and define the browsers paths. [Options] Browser=d:\winapp\www\mosaic\mosaic.exe 5) Copy this file (W3e.INI) to WINDOWS directory. Sugestions to cracky@nce.ufrj.br